Why White People Cannot be Racist

Noah Dempsey
3 min readMar 21, 2021

Racism, in its modern definition, has been redefined to mean institutional power coupled with prejudice. As such, only Whites can be the racists since they (allegedly, but that is a topic for another day) hold a monopoly on the institutional power in America.

Racism, bigotry, and sins of the sort have become the social sins of our time. I would argue, and I am not the first to do so, that this new moral order is the successor of American Protestantism. “Whiteness” Is the secular replacement of original sin, but unlike original sin there is no salvation to be found. Instead, to secure righteousness (Anti-racism) you must perform rigorous anti-white training and conform to the woke shibboleths to dissolve your inner white conscience. This is perfectly embodied by the Coca Cola “Be less white” training program for staffers, I’ll get back to that later.

Christian sin is understood as sin of the heart, mind, and body. Biblical teaching teaches sin is personal, that it stems from an unclean heart. Jesus’s condemnation of lust in Matthew 5 exemplifies this perfectly “But I tell you that anyone who even looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” -Mathew 5:28

But the new social sin is not rooted in sin of the heart or sin of the individual, but rather it is a political sin. Walter Rauschenbusch, American theologian and key figure in the Social Gospel movement, described 6 key social sins: bigotry, the ignorance of the uneducated, power, corruption, militarism and oppression. This perfectly encapsulates the gravest sins that one can commit against the new woke moral code. And from this, the cultural and (supposed) moral elite are able to only accuse the (h before w) white man of racism.

The right often accuses the left of being abusive oligarchs who excuse debate with unsubstantiated claims of racism. What better way to win a debate than convince the audience you’re arguing with the intellectual ancestor of Hitler? And while I agree with this criticism, it often ignores the fact that there is a significant and growing population of Americans who genuinely adopt this NeoReligious ideology and cannot merely be dismissed as Democratic opportunists.

These people are of a secular post-protestant movement focused on rectifying oneself through self repudiation. They rightly understand they are impure and in need of salvation, but because of their rejection of religion they adopt a secular religion to quench their thirst for fulfillment and individual sovereignty. Sovereignty in the religious and moral sense that is.

Most of those of the moral and institutional elite are white themselves. This Anti-white coalition isn’t being executed through the “voices of the unheard,” which is all the more reason to believe that secular wokeism is in fact a social religion. James Quincey, a white man, is the CEO of Coca Cola. What interests does he have in promoting anti whiteness? Well, James Quincy through self repudiation and white repentance gets to experience the feeling of achieving righteous “anti racism” and salvation for the sins his whiteness has committed. Or, as a more nefarious explanation would suggest, Quincey and the likes of which are merely doing this for social prestige to scam a dollar off the hands of gullible Americans. And those Americans are none too different than the Christians who adopt the theology of televangelist Prosperity Gospel preachers.

This new religion is very much systemically oriented. The media creates the moral code, big tech enforces it, and Americans are forced to abide by it. The elite are permitted to make money off duping Americans into their new moral order and feel morally vindicated in doing so. And White Americans get to have the feeling of a false sense of belonging and purification.

The moral and cultural elite use seemingly benign shibboleths of the likes of “White silence is violence” “Just being not racist isn’t enough” “Oppressors cannot be the oppressed,” to distinguish who is in this vaunted club of superior knowledge and righteousness and who is among the uneducated deplorables. I cannot think of a more brilliant propaganda scheme than to profit off the creation of your own faux moral system, convince Americans that by following it they will achieve true holiness, using the ever changing rules to castrate your political opposition from polite society, and finally gaslighting America into believing that you are in fact the oppressed.



Noah Dempsey

Easter worshiper, Member of "The stupid party," and Conservative writer